I am looking for a man, woman, couple or group that would like me to join in.
Nude girls of Lone Grove, OK 74344. It may appear we are on 24/7 but that is simply from not logging out of the mobile application.
I was arrested for owning to many pairs of shoes and ties (my weakness) so i'm looking to see who is out there. SKINNY men, women, FTM, femboys, and bottoms ages 18-45.I am also not into overly aggressive men so keep it in your world not mine :)I enjoy life to its fullest and always positive attitude.Be kind,be nice and do you :) Cheers. ABSOLUTELY NO WOMEN...
I upload pics that people seem to like: my tits, my ass and my drumsticks. Commitment-wise, if I met a man I could marry here, I'd consider myself very lucky. Im 5'0 brown skinned. If you consider yourself an oral god I know what that means and I am not a slob.